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Informe #6: Perquin, Julio 8, 2006Report #6: Perquin, July 8, 2006
Es la época de las lluvias en Morazán. Las mañanas son, generalmente, cálidas y soleadas. Al mediodía, el cielo se torna amenazadoramente oscuro y antes de que uno tenga un momento de duda, una sorprendente descarga de agua parece estar rompiendo el universo en pedazos. Una de esas tormentas está azotando en este momento. El cielo es denso y morado y la fuerza de la lluvia alcanza el interior de la casa haciéndome sentir que está lloviendo tanto adentro como afuera.Es la época de las lluvias en Morazán. Las mañanas son, generalmente, cálidas y soleadas. Al mediodía, el cielo se torna amenazadoramente oscuro y antes de que uno tenga un momento de duda, una sorprendente descarga de agua parece estar rompiendo el universo en pedazos. Una de esas tormentas está azotando en este momento. El cielo es denso y morado y la fuerza de la lluvia alcanza el interior de la casa haciéndome sentir que está lloviendo tanto adentro como afuera.
Annual Report 2005
The Park project:
This public art project located at the very heart of Perquin, “el parque”/ the park conveyed the re-building/ re-covering of the the main plaza, located directly in the heart of Perquin facing the Major’s office and the Church. The recuperation of the two existing murals of the park was followed by the ambitious project of urban planning.
The Park project:
This public art project located at the very heart of Perquin, “el parque”/ the park conveyed the re-building/ re-covering of the the main plaza, located directly in the heart of Perquin facing the Major’s office and the Church. The recuperation of the two existing murals of the park was followed by the ambitious project of urban planning.
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Report #9: June 2007
The first statement of this Report # 9 will be that the School of Art and Open Studio of Perquin celebrated its second birthday on March 2007 and we are now transiting the third year of art in Morazán, always with new challenges, some easier to go through than others but, the school is alive, it is expanding and like a healthy baby, it is starting to give the first steps in many new directions in Morazan and beyond El Salvador.
The first statement of this Report # 9 will be that the School of Art and Open Studio of Perquin celebrated its second birthday on March 2007 and we are now transiting the third year of art in Morazán, always with new challenges, some easier to go through than others but, the school is alive, it is expanding and like a healthy baby, it is starting to give the first steps in many new directions in Morazan and beyond El Salvador.
Report #8: December 29, 2006
Ten days in Buenos Aires find me still with difficulties on how to write this report, this “conversation”. The multiplicity of events and the overwhelming episodes of the last few intense months make me feel that I do not know where or how to start. As always, at a point like this, I wish I were a poet! Not being one, I convoke Roberto Juarroz, an Argentina poet, unfairly unknown outside Argentina, but revered here for his innovative metric and his austere poetics. He says: “ A net of gazing eyes, keeps the world united, it does not allow it to fall”.
Ten days in Buenos Aires find me still with difficulties on how to write this report, this “conversation”. The multiplicity of events and the overwhelming episodes of the last few intense months make me feel that I do not know where or how to start. As always, at a point like this, I wish I were a poet! Not being one, I convoke Roberto Juarroz, an Argentina poet, unfairly unknown outside Argentina, but revered here for his innovative metric and his austere poetics. He says: “ A net of gazing eyes, keeps the world united, it does not allow it to fall”.
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